Complete the Peer Review exercise in
This activity requires you to
- Turn in a draft of your term paper. (Late is better than never.)
- Review drafts of your classmates, as assigned by, leaving comments in the margins of your peer’s paper (using’s online system), and also answering questions. (I expect to assign each student the same number of papers to review — probably 2 or 3, but if some students write only a few sketchy pages and others submit longer drafts, I may adjust things.)
You will be evaluated on how well the comments you leave for your peers demonstrate an understanding of the term paper assignment.
- Your comments on a peer’s paper can’t possibly hurt your peer’s grade for the draft — I’ll evaluate the draft separately, without considering any peer feedback.
- Your own grade on the draft and your grade on this exercise won’t be determined by what your peers say about your draft.
- I am using this opportunity to confirm that you understand what the researched term paper assignment is asking you to do, and I will look at the depth and quality of the feedback you give to your classmates in order to assess that.)
Complete the activity in, by 10am May 8.
In order to earn an A, I am looking for thorough answers to all prompts, as well as about 15-20 marginal comments — about half of them substantial comments (responding to your peer’s ideas) and about half of them comments on surface-level accuracy (such as noting a typo or a misplaced punctuation mark).
At the moment, I am planning to ask each student to review 3 papers that the system will chose at random. If for some reason the system doesn’t present you with 3 papers to review, take a screen shot of what you see and email it to me as soon as you can.
This assignment will open on Monday, May 5. Due to the way works, It’s not possible for me to grant individual extensions on a paper review assignment — once the deadline has passed, and I have released all the feedback for classmates to see, it’s not possible to accept late reviews.